Health science students went through rotations and had hands on opportunities with tech equipment and procedures at WNCC.
over 6 years ago, Andy Cronin
lathroscopic surgery
monitoring vital signs
nursing practices
Juniors and Seniors arrived at Western Nebraska Community College in Scottsbluff.
over 6 years ago, Andy Cronin
students got to practice drawing blood
health science students went on 5 rotations
30+ Juniors and Seniors made the Chadron St./WNCC college visit trip today.
over 6 years ago, Andy Cronin
welcome meeting at CSC
Follow us on twitter! Valentine Community Schools @VCSBadger
over 6 years ago, Valentine Community Schools
Victor E. Badger
On to College with John Baylor helps students improve ACT scores. The ACT is a required exam for all Nebraska High School Juniors.
over 6 years ago, Andy Cronin
Mr Jensens ACT prep class. On To Coolege ACT prep is done with 10 & 11th graders to help increase ACT scores.
VHS Announcements October 25, 2018
over 6 years ago, Mrs. Arganbright
Mrs. McSweeney helping her students with math facts.😎
over 6 years ago, Jamie Seipel
Kennedy School
An ab workout in 6th and 7th PE😃
over 6 years ago, Jeff Sayer
Ab workout
Morning sunrise at VHS...
over 6 years ago, Andy Cronin
beautiful VHS morning!
Badger Highlight Night at VMS Student presentations, various student work on display, games, and a scavenger hunt. Thank you students, parents, student supporters and VMS Staff.
over 6 years ago, Jeff Sayer
Mrs. Tinant’s science students
Miss Utrecht’s frog dissection
Guess how many cheese balls contest
8th grade art
VMS is going all out for Red Ribbon Week! Red Ribbon week is an annual event, founded in 1985, advocating a drug free lifestyle.
over 6 years ago, Jamie Seipel
VMS Student Council put red ribbons on the trees surrounding the school to promote Red Ribbon Week. (Drug Prevention)
Red Ribbon Week at VMS
VHS students were treated to a live Shakespeare performance Monday, Oct.22 courtesy of the Valentine Area Arts Counsil. The actors then worked with VHS drama students to help them with their performances.
over 6 years ago, Andy Cronin
VAAC brought a live performance to VHS
Valentine girls lost to Gothenburg in the first round of the SWC tournament. They battled back to best Cozad in 3 sets and await the winner of Ainsworth and McCook.
over 6 years ago, Andy Cronin
getting ready to to take on the winner of McCook and Ainsworth...
Kindergarten is celebrating T this week with teddy bears! Look at Mrs. Muirhead’s students with their bears!
over 6 years ago, Lindsay Wonnenberg
Mrs. Muirhead’s class celebrating T with their teddy bears!
Watch Badger Football vs. O'Neill
over 6 years ago, Valentine Community Schools
VCS threat assessment team met today in cooperation with VPD to adopt a process which evaluates the level of a threat.
over 6 years ago, Andy Cronin
threat assessment team
October 19, 2018 VHS Announcements!
over 6 years ago, Mrs. Arganbright
Have a great weekend!
Mrs Kilmer had a VERY successful Financial Aid night. 92 students and parents attended! Great job Mrs Kilmer and families!!
over 6 years ago, Andy Cronin
financial Aid 101 seminar
The ESU17 staff provided presentations on Danielson Instructional Model, math curriculum, MANDT training, etc. At the in-service on Oct. 17.
over 6 years ago, Andy Cronin
Danielson Model Presentation
VHS October 16 Announcements.
over 6 years ago, Mrs. Arganbright