NSAA Fall Academic All-State Announced. The following students were selected: Bottom Row - Bradi Larabee -One Act, Lauren Ferguson - Golf, Abbie Clark - Golf, Allison Hitchcock - Volleyball, Skyler Reagle - Volleyball, Rita Woodraska - One Act. Top Row: Devon Osnes - Football, Caleb Long - XC, Lane McGinley - Football, Jarrett Battershaw - XC.
about 6 years ago, Gus Brown
All State
Music and PE joined forces today for a little rehearsal before our Christmas sing-along on Friday!
about 6 years ago, Lindsay Wonnenberg
One cool program VHS has implemented is their internship program. We, at VES, get to see many HS students throughout the day. These are students who want experience working with kids as they see that in their future. Brennann Jackson has been working in PE with Mr. Little, and today just happens to be his birthday. Happy birthday, Brennann!
about 6 years ago, Lindsay Wonnenberg
VHS has a Christmas tree decorated with ornaments. Students wrote family Chrismas traditions on the ornaments. One school tradition is being mean to the principal Mr Cronin by calling him "The Grinch".
about 6 years ago, Andy Cronin
tradition tree
More from Mr Muirhead's as advanced woods class. Great work kids.
about 6 years ago, Andy Cronin
ty capek
Eric Haase
braydon fowler
Brandon whiting
Mr Muirhead's advanced woods class completed projects throughout the semester. Students are doing amazing things here at VHS!
about 6 years ago, Andy Cronin
Brayden Kieborz
Chris williams
Cutcomb Lake School presented their Christmas program last night with songs, poems, a skit and playing of instruments. Wow, we really have some talented students! 😃 Wood Lake and Simeon/Kennedy Schools will hold their programs on the 20th at 6:30 at their school buildings. The public is welcome to attend.
about 6 years ago, Jeff Sayer
Cutcomb Lake School
As the note sent home today in students’ folders stated, there is a change in Valentine Elementary‘s calendar in January. On Tuesday, January 29, students at Valentine Elementary will not have school. This is just for the students at VES. The teachers have an opportunity to attend a one day training, so school is canceled for that day.
about 6 years ago, Lindsay Wonnenberg
The VHS Band and Choir performed their winter concert Monday, December 17. Great job Mr Fulton and Mrs Rhodes! The students sounded amazing.
about 6 years ago, Andy Cronin
VHS Choir
VHS band
If you want to catch the High School band and choir Holiday concert check it out tonight in the VHS auditorium at 7PM, but if it doesn’t work for you to make it there catch it on our StrivTV channel... https://striv.tv/channel/valentine/
about 6 years ago, Mrs. Arganbright
Miss Brunken and the Goose Creek students presented a Country Christmas last Thursday night at their school south of town. Monday night at 7:30 Mrs. Adamson and her students will be having their Christmas Program at Cutcomb School.
about 6 years ago, Jeff Sayer
Goose Creek School
The 50th Annual Valentine Wrestling Invite is in the books. Thanks to all that helped - there are just to many to list and we don't want to forget anyone. We received several comments on every aspect of our tournament. We can't say thank you enough to our community for supporting our school and events. Go Badgers!!!
about 6 years ago, Gus Brown
Day 2 of the 50th Annual Valentine Wrestling Invitational. Special thanks to Gus Brown for all the work he has put in, as well as Tracy Hand and his crew and Mark Ormesher for all he's contributed. GO BADGERS!!!
about 6 years ago, Andy Cronin
day 2 vwi
Our elementary and rural teachers spent the morning of our district in-service analyzing new reading textbook series. It is hard work, and there was excitement in the room for the future of VCS! Special thanks to April Lambert of ESU 17 for facilitating this.
about 6 years ago, Lindsay Wonnenberg
Reading Work
At the district in-service today, our paraprofessionals were busy, too, with training!
about 6 years ago, Lindsay Wonnenberg
Para Training
The Valentine Wrestling Invitational has started! Come cheer on your Badgers!!!
about 6 years ago, Andy Cronin
start of VWI
VES focus for the week: be responsible, clean up after yourself. Way to go, Badgers!
about 6 years ago, Lindsay Wonnenberg
Badger Paws
Cooper Kruger
Haile Benzing and Amelia Wonnenberg
Grace Murphy
Mrs. Eide’s 3rd grade class invited Mrs. Wonnenberg to listen to their presentations on life cycles. They all did such a great job, and Mrs. Wonnenberg enjoyed them all so much!
about 6 years ago, Lindsay Wonnenberg
Life Cycle Presentations
Life Cycle Presentations
FFA fruit is in!! Mr Nollette's FFA students will be making deliveries soon.
about 6 years ago, Andy Cronin
FFA fruit
Mr. Muirheads basic woods class is working on projects in the shop.
about 6 years ago, Andy Cronin
Conner Fowler using a table saw