March 21, 2019
- Lunch for today will be Pizza Pasta Bake w/garlic breadstick, Mini Corn Dogs, or Fresh Baked Italian Sub, Green Beans, Gelatin Dessert, Fruit & Veggie Bar & Milk.
- Prom invites were distributed to the Juniors & Seniors that did not have a fine so if you did not receive your invite, see the list in the office window. Some of you are going to be scrambling to get your forms signed by dates and parents if you don’t get your invite soon!
- Reminder to Juniors and Seniors to turn in your $10 fee for post prom in the office. Tons of prizes this year! No one will go home empty handed.
- Attention sophomores: The Nebraska HOBY Leadership seminar will be held on May 31-June 2 on the campus of Concordia University. If you are interested, please talk to Mrs. Kilmer as soon as possible for registration purposes. You can also find more information at
- All students in the TeamMates Mentoring program be sure to check your emails and complete the survey as soon as possible.
- Student Council is collecting cleanup materials to help with flood clean up. If you’d like to help please drop off or send with your student. We will take to the drop off sight today after school.
- Boys golf at North Platte Friday at 10:00 am. Departure at 6:30 am
- Track will be at Ainsworth Friday at 2:00 pm Team will dismiss at 11:30, eat 1st shift and then depart at noon.
- Interact Blood Drive will be in the Multi Purpose Room next Monday, March 25th.
- Wrestling will have their banquet next Monday, March 25th at 5:30 pm in the Commons.
- The Wrestling banner ceremony will be at 7:00 pm Monday in the gym. Everyone is welcome.
- Girls basketball meeting today right after school in Mr. Jensen's room.
- The MS and HS Quiz Bowl teams will be going to Ainsworth on Monday for a competition at 1:00 pm. The HS Kids will eat first at 11:15 and be on the bus and ready by 11:45. They will then travel over to pick up the MS kids at 12:00 and head to Ainsworth.
- If ordering a tuxedo for prom from the Outback please order before April 1st.