~ VHS Student Announcements ~
Date: February 19th, 2025
Lunch for today is: Hot Pepperoni Sub, Cheeseburger, Uncrustable/Cheese, Crispy Chicken Sandwich Basket
Seniors who have earned any college credit through independent study or outside of school hours, please bring their unofficial transcripts to Mr. Cronin.
FFA Week! Please see the flyers hung around the school for more information.
Boys State Wrestling in Omaha. Students will dismiss at 9:45AM on Wednesday.
Girls Basketball on Wednesday. Students will dismiss at 12:45AM and will need to eat during the first lunch shift.
If you are interested in learning country dance, please sign up during lunch. These are free lessons to anyone who’d like to learn. They are in the evening, dates are on the sign up sheet. Talk to Rylie Sexson for more information.
Any Junior Girl interested in Girls State, please stop by the office for information.
Any Junior Boy interested in Boys state, please stop by the office for information.
Out of Town prom date forms are in the office for those who have dates that don’t go to VHS. They can be picked up in the office and are due on Monday, March 24.
Seniors in order to be on the prom king and queen ballot your fines and dues must be paid. The ballot will be going out this week.
All Senior NHS members need to get their community service hours turned into Mrs. Adams by March 21st to be considered for the NHS scholarship. Junior NHS members have until April 21st to get their hours turned in.
Mr. Jensen's Badger Den is collecting pop tabs for the rest of the school year to donate to the Ronald McDonald House Charities. Collection boxes can be found in Mr. Jensen's room, in the teacher's lounge, or on the tall tables in the commons.
The fines list has been hung on the office door.
Next post prom meeting March 3rd at 6:30pm at the Vet's Club.