~ VHS Student Announcements ~
Date: February 10th, 2025
Lunch for today is: Pizza Casserole, Mini Corn Dogs, Uncrustable/Cheese, Crispy Chicken Sandwich Basket
Passes are important. If you are somewhere other than where your pass says, or you don’t have a pass at all. You will be given detention.
Chadron State College Rep here @ 2pm on Monday.
BB- Reserve Girls/Boys @ North Central - 4:30PM on Monday. Students will dismiss at 2:15PM.
FFA CDE #2 @ North Platte at 8:00AM on Wednesday. Bus will depart at 6:00AM.
Eastern Wyoming College Rep here @ 8:15AM on Wednesday.
The CDL Simulator will be here on Thursday from 10:00-3:00. If you were signed up from before you’ll automatically be signed up for this time. If you weren’t signed up but would like to participate, please talk to Mr. Cronin.
BB - JV/Varsity Girls/Boys @ Home at 4:00PM on Thursday. Students will dismiss at 3:00PM.
Wrestling- Girls Districts on Friday. TBD
FFA - Bull Bash Livestock Judging @ Sale Barn at 9:00AM on Friday.
Wrestling- Boys Districts on Saturday. TBD
Speech @ North Platte at 7:45AM on Saturday. Bus will depart at 5:00AM
Seniors who have earned any college credit through independent study or outside of school hours, please bring their unofficial transcripts to Mr. Cronin.
Can all seniors please fill out the Senior Superlative Form sent out from the yearbook email.