~ VHS Student Announcements ~
Date: February 4th, 2025
Lunch for today is: Biscuits & Gravy w/scrambled eggs, Cheeseburger, Uncrustable w/Cheese, Grilled Chicken Sandwich Basket
Honor Choir in Chadron on Tuesday.
Interact Blood Drive in the VHS multi purpose room from 8:00AM-3:45PM on Tuesday. If you would like to sign up, please see JoJo.
FAFSA Completion Day will be in the boardroom on Wednesday.
Wrestling - Boys @ Gothenburg at 11:00AM on Thursday. Bus will depart at 6:00AM.
BB- JV/Varsity Girls/Boys @ Gothenburg at 4:30PM on Friday. Students will dismiss at 12:45PM.
Girls Wrestling @ Bayard at 5:00PM on Friday. Students will dismiss at 9:45AM.
Girls Wrestling @ Bayard at 10:30AM on Saturday.
Speech @ West Holt - 8:00AM on Saturday. Bus will depart at 5:45AM.
BB - JV/Varsity Girls/Boys vs Chadron at 3:00PM on Saturday. Senior Night
The CDL Simulator will be here on February 13 from 10:00-3:00. If you were signed up from before you’ll automatically be signed up for this time. If you weren’t signed up but would like to participate, please talk to Mr. Cronin.
Wrestling - Varsity Girls @ Ogallala at 12:00PM on Saturday. Bus will depart at 6:30AM.
Seniors who have earned any college credit through independent study or outside of school hours, please bring their unofficial transcripts to Mr. Cronin.
For any high school candidate or escort who would like their name card from the coronation hallway, find Mrs. Arganbright.
Junior Class: Fundraisers and/or class dues were due yesterday to Mrs. Buechle. Please get those in so we can have the prize drawings for the fundraiser asap. Names will go on the fines list at the end of the week.