~ VHS Student Announcements ~

Date: February 3rd, 2025

  • Lunch for today is: Goulash w/Breadstick, Popcorn Chicken w/garlic breadstick, Uncrustable, Crispy Chicken Sandwich Basket

  • BB - Reserve Girls/Boys @ Home at 6:00PM on Monday. 

  • Quiz Bowl @ Ainsworth on Monday. Students will be dismissed at 11:45AM. 

  • Honor Choir in Chadron on Monday & Tuesday. Bus will depart at 6:30AM on Monday.

  • Interact Blood Drive in the VHS multi purpose room from 8:00AM-3:45PM on Tuesday. If you would like to sign up, please see JoJo. 

  • FAFSA Completion Day will be in the boardroom on Wednesday. 

  • Wrestling - Boys @ Gothenburg at 11:00AM on Thursday. Bus will depart at 6:00AM.

  • BB- JV/Varsity Girls/Boys @ Gothenburg at 4:30PM on Friday. Students will dismiss at 12:45PM. 

  • Girls Wrestling @ Bayard at 5:00PM on Friday. Students will dismiss at 9:45AM.

  • Girls Wrestling @ Bayard at 10:30AM on Saturday.

  • Speech @ West Holt - 8:00AM on Saturday. Bus will depart at 5:45AM. 

  • BB - JV/Varsity Girls/Boys vs Chadron at 3:00PM on Saturday. Senior Night

  • The CDL Simulator will be here on February 13 from 10:00-3:00. If you were signed up from before you’ll automatically be signed up for this time. If you weren’t signed up but would like to participate, please talk to Mr. Cronin.

  • Wrestling - Varsity Girls @ Ogallala at 12:00PM on Saturday. Bus will depart at 6:30AM. 

  • Seniors who have earned any college credit through independent study or outside of school hours, please bring their unofficial transcripts to Mr. Cronin. 

  • Mrs. Stoeger’s Badger Pause is raising money for Valentines for Vets.  Each card mailed requires a $1 in postage.  Each building is being challenged to collect during the month of January.  If you would like to donate, money will be collected in the office.

  • Leo Brinda Unit #90 American Legion Auxiliary is hosting its annual Valentines for Veterans drive.  Valentines should be no larger than 8.5 x 11" and are due by 5:00 pm tomorrow. 

  • Juniors: If you chose to do the fundraiser or pay dues, those are to be in by Feb 3rd to a class SPONSOR.  Names will go on the fines/dues list in February.  Talk to Mrs. Buechle if you have questions or need an extension. 

Congratulations to the 2025 Coronation Royal Court: King Andon Olson and Queen Courtney Billings, Prince and Princess Clayton Elliott and Jocelyn Jordan, Duke and Duchess Garrett Cumbow and Grace Murphy, Count and Countess Trevor Burdick and Katelyn Bitner, and Pages Colter Austin and Danika Janssen. Thank you to all the class

royalty, senior escorts, emcee, jester, VHS Choir students and Mrs. Rhoades, the students that helped with some decor, and VCS janitorial staff!