• Lunch: Chicken Ranch Pasta w/Dinner Roll, French Toast w/Eggs, Tater Tots, Uncrustable/Cheese & Cracker Platter, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk or Juice

  • 6th Grade Play: Rehearsal after school

  • Graham Cracker Super Bowl is on! Badger Pause vs. Badger Pause! The BP with the most boxes wins donuts!

  • Mrs. Stoeger’s BP is raising funds for postage for Valentines for Vets. Last year, we raised almost $300. . . can we step it up this last week of January?  $81.21 has been donated, so far. 

  • Boys Basketball will travel to Ainsworth on Thursday. Game starts at 6pm, team will depart at 4:30pm.

  • Girls Wrestling will travel to Mitchell on Thursday. Meet starts at 2pm CST, team will be dismissed at 8:30am and will depart at 8:45am.

  • Boys Basketball Jamboree vs. Ainsworth, Chadron and Gordon-Rushville this Saturday in the VHS & VMS gyms. Games begin at 10am.

  • Reminder to all coronation participants that there will be a practice at 1pm on Sunday, February 2nd. The better everyone listens and cooperates the faster you get done.  

  • Leo Brinda Unit #90 American Legion Auxiliary is hosting its annual Valentines for Veterans drive.  Valentines should be no larger than 8.5 x 11" and are due by 5:00 pm on Feb. 3.  Drop boxes are at KVSH, Valentine Public Library or the Extension Office.  This is a great way for individuals or student groups to complete community service hours!  

  • There will be a meeting for any 7th and 8th graders going out for speech on Tuesday, Feb. 4 at 3:30 in Mrs. Thorpe's Room 6. Speech will start on Monday, Feb. 17th.

  • Scrabble Club will meet after school today in the Library