Lunch: Beef Taco in a Bag, Crispy or Spicy Chicken Sandwich, Fiesta Corn, Cookie Dunker, Uncrustable & Cheese Cracker Platter, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk or Juice
8th graders will bus over to VHS tomorrow for a freshmen orientation at 1:45pm. 8th graders, you will be dismissed FROM THE HIGH SCHOOL.
VES 4th graders will be visiting VMS tomorrow to take a look at the building and receive a short orientation. They will be arriving at 2:30pm, please be respectful, kind and helpful!
No School on Friday for the Valentine Track Invite. Track meet beings at 10am. Run, throw, jump strong Badgers! Remember: RECORDS WERE MEANT TO BE BROKEN! 💪
NEXT MONDAY - 7th graders will take the afternoon off to plant trees! Please bring a shovel to school on Monday and store them in Mr. Coleman’s room. 7th graders will leave at 1pm.
There is a fines list posted outside the office. Make sure that your name isn’t on it. If it is, you need to pay your fine before May 15th.
6th graders going on the field trip, make sure that you and a parent attend the meeting tonight with Mrs. Gass at 6pm in the multipurpose room!
VMS Announcements 04/30/24
April 30, 2024