• Lunch: Beef Taco in a Bag, Crispy or Spicy Chicken Sandwich, Fiesta Corn, Cookie Dunker, Uncrustable & Cheese Cracker Platter, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk or Juice

  • 8th graders will bus over to VHS tomorrow for a freshmen orientation at 1:45pm. 8th graders, you will be dismissed FROM THE HIGH SCHOOL.

  • VES 4th graders will be visiting VMS tomorrow to take a look at the building and receive a short orientation. They will be arriving at 2:30pm, please be respectful, kind and helpful!

  • No School on Friday for the Valentine Track Invite. Track meet beings at 10am. Run, throw, jump strong Badgers! Remember: RECORDS WERE MEANT TO BE BROKEN! 💪

  • NEXT MONDAY - 7th graders will take the afternoon off to plant trees! Please bring a shovel to school on Monday and store them in Mr. Coleman’s room. 7th graders will leave at 1pm.

  • There is a fines list posted outside the office. Make sure that your name isn’t on it. If it is, you need to pay your fine before May 15th. 

  • 6th graders going on the field trip, make sure that you and a parent attend the meeting tonight with Mrs. Gass at 6pm in the multipurpose room!