Lunch for Thursday: Spaghetti, Chicken Nuggets, Spicy CHicken Sandwich Basket or Uncrustable Platter
National Honor Society applications need to be turned in to Mrs. Adams by April 12th.
Seniors - National Honor Society Scholarships are due back to Mrs. Adams no later than April 12th.
Sophomores-you will make up the ASVAB on Wednesday, April 24th, in the auditorium, from 8-11 am.
Boys Basketball players if you have not turned in your gear for the year get it done.
Junior NHS members need to remember to get their community service hours turned into Mrs. Adams by Friday, April 12th in order to be eligible for the NHS scholarship next year.
Any Junior interested in helping decorate for prom, please meet in Mrs. Porath's room immediately after school today! We will be decorating all week and need help to make it a great prom!
State FBLA will depart after school today.
Varsity Track will be in O’Neill tomorrow. Departure is at 7:00am
Varsity Boys Golf will be at Hershey tomorrow. Departure is at 7:00am
This year's post prom event will be held at the Middle School Gym and is open to all Juniors and Seniors, Prom Servers and their dates. No students will be admitted after 12:45am when doors close. Entertainment this year is Michael Colucci-hypnotist. Optional activities will be provided for students who wish not to partake/watch the hypnotist. Post prom will run until approximately 3:30 a.m. Juniors and Seniors who have not paid their $10 fee to attend post prom, please do so asap or be prepared to pay at the door.
Junior class, please ask your parents to donate snacks for the dance. Last names A-H chips, I-R cookies, S-Z Brownies.
Seniors, Mrs. Arganbright shared a Google form with you to select your Class Speaker for Graduation! Due Friday 3:31 PM.
Seniors, if you want to be included in Senior Shout Outs on Social Media, check your email for a Google Form From BadgerCast. This is due by April 30th!
VHS Announcements 04/10/24
April 10, 2024