Lunch: Ham & Pasta Hotdish w/Dinner Roll, Mini Corn Dogs, Uncrustable Platter, Fruit & Veggie Bar, Milk or Juice
VMS Tracksters have a track meet tomorrow at North Central at 10am - team will depart at 7:30am
Track will travel to Ainsworth on Friday. Meet starts at 12pm, team will be dismissed at 10am and will depart 10:15am.
Nebraska Prospects Baseball Camp information sheets are in the hanging folder outside the office.
Please make a mental note! Smart Snack Shack items available: Original Beef Sticks, String Cheese, Rice Krispies, Fruit Snacks - please know what you want and have your money ready.
Refresher on loaner chargers and chromebook loaners:
The Library has 3 chargers that you may use when IN the library. These chargers must be checked out with a teacher or the librarian. They STAY in the library.
The office has chargers that you may borrow. You can take these to class until your chromebook is charged. They must be checked out with the office staff. Do Not loan these out to other students. Bring it back to the office when you’re done. It’s checked out in YOUR name, if someone else ends up losing it - YOU pay the $30 replacement fine.
Chromebook loaners from the office: You can check these out in the morning, preferably
BEFORE the Pledge of Allegiance. Chromebook loaners are to be returned every single day after school.