• Lunch for Friday: Tater Hotdish, Pepperoni Pizza, Cheese Pizza, Grilled Chicken Sandwich Basket, or Uncrustable, Cheese, & Cracker Platter. 

  • The Leo Brinda Unit #90 American Legion Auxiliary is sponsoring the annual Poppy Poster contest.   Entries are due by April 2 and can be dropped off in the office.  

  • Juniors and Seniors: Please get your $10 fee to the office for post prom by April 5th.   Post prom will be held at the middle school gym after the conclusion of the prom dance.

  • Seniors who have met the requirements for the National Honor Society Scholarship have been emailed an application form.  It is due back to Mrs. Adams no later than April 12th.  If you did not receive an email and believe you should have, please see Mrs. Adams.

  • Student Council Seniors if you'd like to apply for the Student Council Scholarship please see or email Mrs. Arganbright or Mrs. Buechle.

  • Prom servers/Juniors/Seniors  please return prom forms to Buechle or Porath by tomorrow.  Any prom related questions please ask Buechle or Porath.

  • Due to tomorrow's forecast, Valentine will NOT be attending the Ainsworth Relays.

  • Varsity Boys Golf will be at North Platte tomorrow at 10:00 AM. Students will depart at 7:00 AM.