• Lunch for Tuesday: Country Potato Bowl, Country Fried Steak, Uncrustable, Cheese, & Cracker Platter, or Grilled Chicken Sandwich Basket

  • The Leo Brinda Unit #90 American Legion Auxiliary is sponsoring the annual Poppy Poster contest.  This is open to youth up to 12th grade and the rule sheet is available in the office.  Entries are due by April 2 and can be dropped off in the office.  

  • Juniors and Seniors: Please get your $10 fee to the office for post prom by April 5th.  The post prom committee has great entertainment lined up again this year, plus great games and prizes for those who attend.  Remember!  Even if you don't attend the promenade or dance, you can still partake in the post prom activities.  Post prom will be held at the middle school gym after the conclusion of the prom dance.

  • County Government Day will be held on Tuesday for all Seniors.