• Lunch for Thursday: Lasagna, Chicken Nuggets, Uncrustable, Cheese, & Cracker Platter, or Spicy Chicken Sandwich Basket.

  • Livestock Judging Clinic will be held at the Sale Barn at 9:00 AM today.

  • SWC Cross-Country will be held in Ogallala on Thursday at 4:00 PM. Students will dismiss at 11:15 for an 11:30 departure. 

  • Res/JV/Varsity Volleyball will be at Gordon/Rushville on Thursday at 5:00 pm. Students will dismiss at 2:15 for a 2:30 departure.

  • Varsity Football will be at Home vs. Hershey on Friday. Kickoff is at 7:00 PM.

  • Senior night will be held at the football game on Friday for Cheer, Football, and Girls Golf.

  • If you are interested in being a part of the VHS Speech team, please sign up on the sheet outside of Mrs. Cardinal's room. 

  • Junior Class Officers will have a meeting in Ms. Sherbeyn’s room immediately after school Friday.

  • NHS students, there is a sign up sheet for this Friday's concession stand outside Mrs. Adams room.  Remember this helps fund the NHS scholarship given out in the spring.

  • Band students will depart for Chadron at 9AM on Saturday, Oct 7th, for pep band at the CSC Homecoming game.  Please be here early to load your instruments.

  • The Army National Guard will be here on Thursday during lunch.

  • Reminder that all 5th-12th graders are invited to join LOGOS every Wednesday starting tonight at the Presbyterian church. Dinner is served at 6PM with worship and Bible study to follow until 8:15.