•  Lunch for Tuesday: Beef Stroganoff, Mozzarella Twiz-Sticks, Combo Sub, Grilled Chicken Sandwich Basket.

  •  Any student wanting to join the Student Council see Mrs. Arganbright!

  • The Journalism staff has a few 2022-2023 yearbooks for sale, $60 each. Pick one up in Mrs. Arganbright's room or get one during lunch this week.

  • On August 23rd the Journalism class will be taking the Senior activity pictures for the senior banners during Badger Den. Seniors, please make sure to have the uniforms you'd like to have in your banner at school. 

  • Any student wanting to be a class officer please add your name to the sign-up sheet in the office for your specific class officer sheet. You will vote in the class meeting tomorrow.

  • Brief student council meeting on Friday right after being dismissed from Badger Den. 

  • Seniors do not forget to RSVP in the BAND App for Senior Sunrise which will be held Friday at 6:00 AM at the football field! We hope to see you all there!

  • There will be a fishing club meeting tomorrow morning at 7:30 am. Everyone is welcome to join whether you consider yourself a pro and want to go to tournaments, or if you've never fished before and don't own your gear, we've got you covered. See Mr. Jensen for more details!

  • BIONIC Team will be meeting this evening, at 6:30 pm, in the Commons.  BIONIC stands for Believe It Or Not I Care.  We will have ice cream treats and everyone is invited, we would love new members since our senior members graduated.  This will be a quick meeting and should not last more than 30 minutes.  We can’t wait to see your faces there!

  • FBLA meeting will be tonight at 6pm, in Cardinal's room.  Bring your charged chromebooks and your schedules.  We will feed you pizza for supper! 

  • Attention all NHS members: there will be a meeting right after school today, in Mrs. Adams' room.  Please make every effort to attend, it will be short.

  • The After school program is looking for a couple of high school students to come and work with our elementary and middle school students.  It is a paid position but is also a great mentoring program.  You must be 16 to apply.  You can pick up an application in the office or email Rachelle O'Kief at rokief@vcsbadger.net

  • Any student who has not turned in their $20 technology fee needs to leave their chromebook with their Badger Den teacher beginning today.  Chromebooks can not be taken home until this has been paid. 

  • Football is going to practice from 7-9pm M-Tu, and 6am Wednesday due to forecasted heat.

  • Volleyball t-shirt forms need to be turned in with payment to Mrs. Buechle by Tuesday the 22nd.   Forms will be available at the Jamboree on Tuesday night.

  • Girls Golf will be at West Holt tomorrow at 9:00 AM. Students will depart at 6:30 AM. 
  • Volleyball will be hosting a Volleyball Jamboree tomorrow at 4:30 PM. All proceeds go to the Hall of Fame. 
  • FFA Officer meeting will be held at 7:00 AM on Wednesday in Mr. Nollette’s room. 
  • Girls Golf will be in Ainsworth at 9:30 on Thursday. 
  • Res/JV/Varsity Volleyball will be at Bennett County on Thursday at 5:30 PM. 
  • Varsity/MS Cross-Country will be at Frederick Peak on Thursday at 9:00 AM. Senior night will be held during this meet. 
  • Varsity Football will be at West Holt on Friday at 7:00 PM. 
  • Varsity Volleyball will be at Minden on Saturday at 9:00 AM.