- Lunch: Italian Dunkers w/Marinara Dipping Sauce, Chicken Nuggets, Steamed Carrots
- There will be an informational meeting today after school in Mr. Bish’s room for any 8th graders that are interested in playing football next year as a freshmen.
- Any 8th graders that are interested in Student Council next year as a freshman, please pick up an application outside the office.
- Mr. Bish and Mrs. Hand will putting on a Basketball Camp this summer for any 6th, 7th and 8th grade girls that are interested. There are forms outside the office.
- ALL library books need to be checked in tomorrow. You may still check out magazines or help yourselves to deleted magazines
- 8th grade students need to be sure to dress appropriately and no flip flops for the trip to Norfolk to Northeast Community College tomorrow. You will need to meet on north side of school by gym doors no later than 5:15 a.m. to depart.
- 7th grade Tree Planting has been moved due to the forecasted weather. Students will plant trees on Thursday afternoon at 1 p.m.
VMS Announcements 5/6/2019
May 6, 2019