May 6, 2019
- Lunch for today will be Italian Dunkers w/Marinara Dipping Sauce, Chicken Nuggets w/Dinner Roll, or Greek Chicken Salad w/Roasted Flatbread, Steamed Carrots, Fruit & Veggie Bar & Milk.
- Mock Trial t-shirts are $15.00 and need to be picked up from Mrs. Adams. You will go on the fines list if you have not paid for your shirt.
- Prom pictures are done. Check the email you gave the photographer if you’d like to purchase.
- Varsity Golf at Rock Co. at 9:00 am. Departure at 6:30 am.
- JV Golf at Thedford today at 11:00 am. JV Team will dismiss after 1st period.
- Volleyball girls going to Ogallala team camp, to stop in the office and pick up a registration form.
- If you did not order a Yearbook yet for the 2018-2019 school year see the office.
- Today is the deadline to turn in your officer application for Student Council.
- Attention Seniors: Turn in a wallet size picture to Mrs. Stoner by tomorrow for the hallway composite.
- National Honor Society Induction ceremony and High School Honors Day program will be in the Auditorium tonight at 7:00 pm. All students are encouraged to attend and a list is in the office window of those that we know will be receiving at least one award.
- Just a reminder for NHS members to bring your baked good item for the reception tonight.
- All NHS inductees and officers need to be here tonight by 6:30 pm
- The student council is treating the seniors to root beer floats in Mara Arganbrights room today for senior week. Enjoy these last days with your classmates.
- Seniors come enjoy breakfast with Student Council tomorrow morning in the board room.
- The library will be closed today due to illnesses.
- Chadron Scholastic contest is Wednesday. Departure at 6:00 am.
- Baccalaureate will be in the Auditorium Wednesday at 7:00 pm. Pastor Maunu asks any senior that would like to read a favorite scripture for the service to sign up in Mrs. Pilakowski’s room.
- Students are reminded to keep your passbook with you when you are out and about and that you only are allowed two passes per day. Refrain from coming to the office uless it’s an emergency. Most things can be taken care of in between classes.
- All girls out for any sport need to meet after school in the library tomorrow to talk about weight room stuff for the summer.
- All seniors going through the graduation commencement on May 11, check into your 1st period class today and then go to the auditorium for a brief meeting.
- If you are interested in taking a Business Communications and Entrepreneurship class with the possibility of starting a student-run business during the 2019-2020 school year, please see Mrs. Kilmer or Mrs. Manning as soon as possible.
- All library books are due back to the Library by tomorrow and any fines due will need to be paid before you check out at the end of the year.
- TeamMates will have an Ice Cream Social at the Middle School from 3-4 pm Wednesday. Middle and High School students in Teammates are all welcome.
- Students who are signed up to take Calculus, Pre-Calc, Statistics, and College Comp next school year should plan to take the Accuplacer today, tomorrow, or Thursday. Carolyn Petersen from Mid-Plains will be here from 8-3:31 all three days. To qualify for dual-credit, students will need:
Calculus: an ACT Math score of 26 or take the Accuplacer
Pre-Calc: an ACT Math score of 22 or take the Accuplacer
Statistics: an ACT Math score of 22 or take the Accuplacer
College Comp: ACT Reading and English scores of 18 or take the Accuplacer
This has not changed from last year. These are the only 4 classes that require an Accuplacer score, and students may take the test more than once in order to get the needed score. If you do not complete the test during these days, students will need to report to Mid-Plains OVER THE SUMMER BEFORE SCHOOL STARTS IN AUGUST to retest. Do not let this opportunity pass you by!