April 24, 2019
- Lunch for today will be Cheeseburger Soup w/Dinner Roll, Mini Corn Dogs, or Fajita Salad w/Tortilla Chips, Jalapeno BBQ Baked Beans, Fruit & Veggie Bar & Milk.
- State Quiz Bowl will be at Holdredge today. Team will dismiss at 8:30 am.
- Mock Trial t-shirts are $15.00 and need to be picked up from Mrs. Adams.
- FFA Officer and Scholarship Interviews will be today after school.
- Today from 8:30 till approximately 9:15 Charles Herbster along with former Governor Dave Heineman and the Nebraska FFA Foundation will be here to speak and present a $10,000 check to the Valentine FFA. FFA members in official dress will be allowed to be present for the presentation in the auditorium.
- Boys Golf at Bassett Thursday at 2:00 pm. Team will dismiss at 11:30 am and will eat 1st shift.
- Norfolk Track Classic will be Thursday at 4:45 pm. Departure at noon. They will need to eat 1st shift.
- Volleyball girls going to Ogallala team camp need to stop in the office and pick up a registration form.
- There will be a volleyball meeting after school Friday in the library.
- A reminder to Seniors that the Midland News questioinaire and picture are due by 3:30 today.
- Yearbooks for the 2018-2019 school year will be available to be ordered during the lunch period this week and next week for $45 each. To ensure you receive one, you must order in advance while on sale. No extras will be ordered.
- Congratulations to the Badger Scholar of the week, Aleah Jacobs. Mrs. Pilakowski says Aleah Jacobs is a student who brings her best to class each day. She challenges herself with the reading she chooses, refusing to shy away from long books. She's prompt in all her work, kind to all her classmates, and hard-working in everything she does. Aleah is a student who deserves to be recognized for her consistency and desire to do well in school and life.
- Congratulations to the Badger Athlete of the week, Jaydon Owen. Mr. Muirhead says Jaydon is off to a great start this year. This is his first year as varsity and broke 90 in his 2nd competition with an impressive 84.
- The 8th period Building Construction class will be working on site Thursday during periods 1-4.
- Boys Golf will be at Broken Bow Friday at 9:30 am. Team will depart at 6:30 am.
- JV Golf will be at Mullen Friday at 2:00 pm. Team will dismiss at 11:15 am.